Horny Looking Babe Fucking By Her Lover Part 5

“No, she didn’t tell me,” I said. “Hopefully it’s not a state secret especially since you’re retired.” I looked at Adriane. “More orange juice?”She held out her cup. “Please. And no, it’s not a state secret but still something I don’t like to spread around. You’re clever.”“Not really, I just put things together.”“Go on,” she said. Adriane sipped the orange juice.“Lavi mentioned where she had lived and that she was near you. That put you in the neighborhood of Israel’s internal intelligence agency. The other slip up was her joking about you knowing people in Mossad. I know Lavi’s humor and making that connection wouldn’t have come from nowhere. But, when she was learning about some of Mossad’s ugly history she didn’t react like she would associate it with a loved one. I get alerts on my credit history check and when you tried to get my transcripts. Your caller id location of Israel stood out. It took a few days to play phone tag but someone remembered it.” I felt like Inspector Poirot. Maybe unwise for both Lindy and I, we wanted amateurs performing a central character in our plays. For Lindy it was me. I chose Helena. In fact in the production I envisioned for my play, I would cast myself as the man cuckolded by Helena's addiction and the character representing addiction would be a Nick type except much younger, newly sloughed I suppose. Needing perspective the playwrights weren't allowed to cast themselves in their work. So on the Monday after encountering Snake I became very attentive to the audition process."I'll be there," Helena promised as she lay over me after we made love that morning. It had been a busy morning which culminated in us making love for an hour. Her smooth skin and soft curves had been memorized by the touch of my fingers and lips. She luxuriated in my attention just as I had hers, each of us building the other to body shaking climaxes that only time and patience and almost cruel teasing could create. The intense pleasure we gave each other.
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